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Herbs in raised pots in a garden


Turn your back or front yard into a beautiful, productive space by creating an edible garden that looks good and tastes even better. For this project, we're grouping our herbs into three pots – one for tea, one for smoothies and one for cocktails.


1Prepare your pots

The best part about growing your own organic produce is that anyone can do it! You don't need a huge backyard – balconies are just as good. But you'll need some outdoor pots. Once you've picked yours out, it's important to group plants together that prefer the same conditions. For example, some culinary herbs prefer a lot of light – some don't; some like a well-drained soil; some like it nice and moist. Choose which plants will go in which pots, and head to the nursery section of your local Bunnings to pick up your herb punnets.

DIY -Step 1 - Prepare your pots - How to design a herb garden.jpg

2Get ready for potting

Once you've picked out your seedlings, grab some potting mix and Seasol to add after you've potted your plants – this will help them recover from any ‘transplant shock'. Grab your gardening gloves and a dust mask (some soils can contain a bacteria when dry) and you're ready to start potting!

DIY -Step 2 - Get ready for potting - How to design a herb garden - Emily.jpg

3Plant your cocktail herbs

What's not to like about the concept of a ‘cocktail jug'? Just snip off a sprig or two of your chosen herb to add to your favourite tipple! We're potting rosemary and sage – these are great aromatics for bitter and/or savoury drinks. Use your rosemary sprig as a swizzle stick or muddle some sage with sugar syrup for a delicious earthy beverage.

Sage and rosemary don't like conditions that are too wet, so they'll be perfect grouped together in this pot. Plant your herbs and give them a good water once they're settled in.

DIY -Step 3 - Plant your cocktail herbs - How to design a herb garden - Emily.jpg

4Plant your tea herbs

We're potting mint, lemon balm, peppermint and chamomile – all lovely when infused with hot water for a refreshing, restorative brew. The mint family are really good pest controllers too, so peppermint, mint and lemon balm are particularly good when planted in your yard.

These plants enjoy a nice, partially sunny position and moist, well-drained soil. When picking chamomile, the best time is first thing in the morning after the dew has dried – just nip off a flower head and infuse into your tea. Easy! All these herbs are also great in summer salads and quinoa dishes– delish! Water them well once they're settled into their new pot.

DIY -Step 4 - Plant your tea herbs - How to design a herb garden - Emily.jpg

5Plant your smoothie greens

If you're a health nut, you'll know just how expensive it is to stock up on healthy greens each week. Which is why our last pot is dedicated to smoothies! We've chosen to plant sweet basil, spinach and kale – all great when added to your morning pick-me-up (the basil gives your drinks an extra pop – try it!). They're also great basics to have ready for cooking. These plants like full sun or partial shade, and moist, well-drained soil.

DIY -Step 5 - Plant your smoothie greens - How to design a herb garden - Emily.jpg

6Get sipping!

Whether it's an afternoon cocktail, a morning smoothie or an any-time tea, you're all set with these three potted herb selections. Bottoms up!

7Watch more projects from this episode

Watch the full episode and more D.I.Y. projects from Make It Yours Episode 3: Backyard Makeover by Tim and Mat.

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