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Assorted garden tools
Spring into the new growing season with a sparkling kit of beautifully serviced garden tools.


Garden tool care

Used for cutting, digging and moving things around, our tools are our hardest working helpers in the garden, so it makes sense to reward them with a little TLC. Not only will they last longer, but they will work better and be safer to use, too. Here’s how to whip them into shape.

Ditch the dirt

Start by removing dirt and debris from your tools. Use a damp cloth to wipe the blades of secateurs, loppers, shovels and forks. For caked dirt, scrub with water and a stiff wire brush. If rust has formed on any surfaces, gently remove with steel wool and mineral oil. For heavy rust, clean with a rust remover.

“With cutting tools, it may be necessary to remove the pivot nut and springs to help remove grime caught between the blades – a degreaser can help make fast work of this,” advises horticulturist Matthew Carroll of Hortiman (@hortiman). “Don’t forget to put the small parts in a safe place, otherwise reassembly will be tricky.” For any hard-to-remove gummy sap, dip a wire brush or scourer into methylated spirits and gently rub the surfaces to remove. Take care when working with blades, as they can be quite sharp.

Garden shovel been used to dig a hole 

Looking sharp

It’s important to keep a sharp edge on your tools – digging as well as cutting implements – as sharp blades will cut more effectively and efficiently.

Digging tools

Clamp your spade or shovel in a vice. Using the angle on the blade of the tool as a guide, run a mill file over the bevelled edge, using the full length of the file. Don’t pull the file towards you, as this will damage the teeth and dull the file. Use straight, even strokes as you work your way across the entire blade. “As you do this, small burrs will appear on the other side of the blade. To remove them, simply place the file flat along the back side of the spade and draw it gently toward you,” says Matthew.

Secateurs, shears and loppers

For the most part, these tools are sharpened in the same way, although dismantling secateurs and loppers will make them easier to work with – put all the bits to one side so you don’t lose them, and get replacement secateurs in springs if necessary. Pass the file or sharpener over both sides of the cutting blade, maintaining the angle from the pivot point and using the file in one direction. “Reassemble parts, but don’t do them up too tightly as this will stop them from opening and closing properly,” says Matthew.

Once sharpened, wipe surfaces clean and lightly oil blades with a rust-preventative lubricant.

Garden secateurs

Care and condition

Don’t forget the handles! Sand timber handles until smooth and wipe them down with a rag coated in linseed oil. This will help prevent them from drying out, cracking and splintering. Wipe away any excess oil and ensure the tools are completely dry before storing away. If handles are weak or broken, it’s best to replace them – you can often find replacement parts in store.

Garden tools hanging in shed 

Maintain momentum

To keep your tools performing at their best – and save yourself a bigger service job at the end of the season – follow these regular maintenance tips:

  • After every use, clean the blades of pruning tools with a damp cloth, sterilise the edges with a solution of one-part bleach to 10-parts water, and lightly spray parts and joints with oil.
  • Allow tools to completely dry before storing in a cool, dry place. Hang large tools and insert steel blades of smaller tools into a bucket of sand moistened with vegetable or motor oil.
  • Sharpen blades at least once every season and oil timber handles two or three times a year.

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Health & Safety

Please make sure you use all equipment appropriately and safely when following the advice in these D.I.Y. videos. You need to be familiar with how to use equipment safely and follow the instructions that came with the equipment. If you are unsure, you may feel it is safest to consult an expert, such as the manufacturer or an expert Bunnings Team Member.

Grave health hazards are linked to asbestos, which may be in homes built up to 1990. Health hazards may result from exposure to lead-based paints in older materials and copper chromium arsenic (CCA) treated timber. For information on the dangers of asbestos, lead-based paint and CCA treated timber and tips for dealing with these materials contact your local council's Environmental Health Officer.