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A person raking soil


Whether it's an area for your kids to play on, somewhere to entertain guests, or just something nice to look at, it's important to choose the right type of grass to suit your needs. Read on to learn how to grow grass from seed, and get a few tips on how to protect it while it's growing.


1Prepare your soil

After you've measured the area you want to sow and chosen the lawn seed that best suits your needs, the first job is to prepare the soil. Make sure your soil doesn't have any rocks, scattered debris or grass in it. Use a rake to clear it out and flatten the surface as much as possible.

A person raking soil

2Evenly apply your fertiliser

Next you need to add some fertiliser to your soil. Give the area a few good handfuls, evenly shaken out across the surface.

Tip: some lawn seed products already contain fertiliser. Check yours, and if it does you can skip this step.

A person applying fertiliser onto the soil by hand

3Spread out lawn seed

When spreading out lawn seed, it's important not to overdo it. Try to avoid throwing the seed out in clumps. Make sure you have an even spread of seed across your whole surface.
A person sowing lawn seed by hand

4Top dress your surface

Give your seeds the best chance by weighing them down. You can keep your lawn seed from blowing away and stop the birds getting to it with a top dressing of lawn soil. You should try to cover your seed by a couple of millimetres of top dressing. 

A person spreading soil from a wheelbarrow onto the ground

5Apply a wetting agent

Next you need to add a wetting agent to your surface. They often come in pre-mixed packages that you attach to your hose and spray. A direct hit of water from the hose will wash the seed away. So try and apply the wetting agent evenly as a fine mist. Give it a moderate soak – there's no need to overwater it in.

A person spraying a wetting agent onto soil using a plastic bottle attached to a hose

6Add a stringline barrier

Add a stringline barrier around the edge to keep people from walking across your newly planted seed. To do this put plastic stakes in the four corners of your lawn and a few extras down the sides. Then connect with some stringline. You could even tie a few small rag strips to your corner stakes to draw more attention to your barrier. 

An area of a newly sown nature strip with a string line border

7Water daily

Water the surface daily until you get a couple of centimetres of growth. Try to keep the top 1cm of soil moist, otherwise your lawn seeds may dry out and die.

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Please make sure you use all equipment appropriately and safely when following the advice in these D.I.Y. videos. You need to be familiar with how to use equipment safely and follow the instructions that came with the equipment. If you are unsure, you may feel it is safest to consult an expert, such as the manufacturer or an expert Bunnings Team Member.

Grave health hazards are linked to asbestos, which may be in homes built up to 1990. Health hazards may result from exposure to lead-based paints in older materials and copper chromium arsenic (CCA) treated timber. For information on the dangers of asbestos, lead-based paint and CCA treated timber and tips for dealing with these materials contact your local council's Environmental Health Officer.