View our guide on making compost with a Bokashi bin, an eco-friendly composting system used in your kitchen.
How to make a Bokashi bin
1. Assemble your Bokashi bin and get started by adding organic food waste. Cooked food as well as meat, fish, cheese, fruit and vegetable scraps are all good to go in.
2. Cut bulky scraps into small pieces so they break down more rapidly.
3. Add 2–3 sprays of liquid Bokashi daily. Press it all down using the trowel provided. This extracts air and helps the composting process. Close the lid to aid decomposition.

Create liquid gold with Bokashi composting
After a few weeks, turn on the tap at the base of the bin and drain what gardeners call 'liquid gold'. This juice is filled with nutrients, as well as beneficial microbes. It makes an awesome liquid fertiliser for the garden and your indoor plants too. For house plants, dilute at a rate of a teaspoon to 5 litres of water.

Give plants some love
When the Bokashi bin is full, leave it for 3 weeks, then empty the contents into your compost bin, or a trench in the garden. You'll need to bury the fermented waste material. It will break down into valuable humus and organic matter that'll make the soil sing and your plants grow.
Now that you have your indoor compost in place, why not make your own outdoor compost?