Plant these perennials now for a glorious flower display in the warmer months.
Get a colourful spring and summer garden
Plant up your garden beds, pots and planters with brilliantly flowering perennials. These can be works of art, both outside and in. Try potting up petunias in hanging baskets to bring a burst of colour up high or cut dahlias on long stems for a stunning show indoors.
This easy-to-grow annual or perennial comes in a wide variety of forms and colours, producing long-lasting flower spikes that are a magnet for pollinators. While salvias prefer a good-quality, free-draining soil in a sheltered, sunny position, they are generally tolerant of all but wet conditions. Salvias are ideal for dry areas and low-maintenance gardens. Prune back as flowers finish to encourage repeat flowering and a bushy habit.
Renowned for their spectacular flowers that range from delicate pompoms to dinner plate-sized blooms, dahlias certainly have the ‘wow’ factor. For best results, grow them in moist, well-drained, fertile soil. Choose a spot that’s protected from wind, with morning sun and afternoon shade. Plant tubers when the threat of frost has passed and stake taller varieties at planting time.
Mounding or cascading, petunias are a lovely way to add colour and cheer to beds, pots or hanging baskets. Flowers can be single, double or ruffled in various sizes and shades, including multi-coloured forms. Position in full sun, protect seedlings from snails with slug and snail pellets, and deadhead and feed regularly. Expect flowers about 12 weeks after sowing seed.
Affectionately known as ‘mums’, these perennial beauties are available in a range of hues as well as bi-coloured varieties. Their decorative blooms range from simple, daisy-like flowers and sweet pompoms to large ‘exhibition’ forms. They like a full-sun position with protection from harsh or drying winds. Liquid feed regularly with a high-potassium fertiliser. A bunch or pot of these flowers is a great gift.
For more garden colour…
Check out our full range of flowering plants.
Photo credit: Getty Images, Alamy Stock Photo.