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Grass growing next to cement path.


Trimming your lawn edges is the cherry on top of lawn maintenance, creating a fresh and polished final look. How you do this depends on the size and design of your garden and which areas you'd like to trim, so before you start, make sure you figure out exactly what's required!


1Gather your tools and materials

Below are all of the tools and materials you'll need to complete this project.
Tools needed to trim your lawn edges.

2Create a straight line

Create your straight line with either a piece of twine between 2 pegs or a plank of wood. This'll act as a guide when you are cutting your grass.
Person using bit of timber to see where edges of lawn should be.

3Start cutting

For overgrown edges where the soil and roots of the grass have started to grow over your lawn's border, grab a half-moon edger – this'll allow you to get a good crisp edge by removing the excess overgrowth. Use the weight of your body and push down onto the edge, following the line of the plank of wood or string. Cut through the fray bits and soil on the end.

Once you have completed cutting through the fray bits and soil, remove the turf using a shovel and take away your guide (plank of wood or string) to see the firm straight edge you've created.

Person trimming lawn edges with trimming tool and piece of timber.

4Trim the leftover grass

Take the long grass sheers and trim the grass to catch any errant bits, or hard-to-reach areas. Don't forget to dispose of the clippings!
Person using tool to trim lawn edges that are growing underneath edge of decking.

5Whipper snipper around the edges

Before you use the whipper snipper, you'll need to put on your safety glasses and ear protection. It's also a good idea to wear long trousers and closed-toe shoes.

Run the whipper snipper against the edge of your lawn in order to create a precise straight line. When using, know which way the breeze is going so the grass, rock, pebbles or any other debris is flicking away from you.

Person wearing work boots using whipper snipper tool on edge of lawn where it meets the path.

6Dispose of clippings

Once you're done, collect all your clippings and pop them in your green bin or even your compost.
Person emptying lawn mower compartment into green bin.

7Learn how to mow your lawn the right way

Haven't mowed your grass in a while? We can show you how to mow like a pro.
Health & Safety

Please make sure you use all equipment appropriately and safely when following the advice in these D.I.Y. videos. You need to be familiar with how to use equipment safely and follow the instructions that came with the equipment. If you are unsure, you may feel it is safest to consult an expert, such as the manufacturer or an expert Bunnings Team Member.

Grave health hazards are linked to asbestos, which may be in homes built up to 1990. Health hazards may result from exposure to lead-based paints in older materials and copper chromium arsenic (CCA) treated timber. For information on the dangers of asbestos, lead-based paint and CCA treated timber and tips for dealing with these materials contact your local council's Environmental Health Officer.