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Blue garden arbour in a backyard with potted ferns on either side


A garden arbour makes a fantastic focal point in any garden. Whether you leave it plain or grow creepers or vines up it, it'll be a great feature in your backyard.


1Cut the timber to size

To make this project easier, you can have your timber pre-cut to size at your local Bunnings.

Here's our shopping list:

  • 60mm x 2400mm x 600mm lattice
  • 90mm x 45mm x 2.4m treated pine lengths x 5
  • 18mm x 18mm x 2.4m treated pine lengths x 8
  • 140mm x 45mm x 2.4m treated pine lengths x 2
  • 70mm x 35mm x 2.4m treated pine lengths x 3

Here's our cut list:

  • 4 @ 2400 x 90 x 45mm
  • 4 @ 605 x 90 x 45mm
  • 2 @ 1200 x 90 x 45mm
  • 3 @ 605 x 90 x 45mm
  • 4 @ 2100 x 18 x 18mm
  • 4 @ 568 x 18 x 18mm
  • 2 @ 1780 x 140 x 45mm
  • 5 @ 985 x 70 x 35mm
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

2Lay out the frame

Take the two 2400mm lengths and lay them on the ground parallel to each other. Across the top, place a 605mm length. Make sure the U-shaped frame is flush and square. You can also lay the bottom 605mm brace in position, so that it holds the frame in place, but don't fix it off until later. Pre-drill the top piece of timber with a 5.5mm bit and then drill a clearance hole using a 7.5mm bit before screwing it in with 100mm bugle screws.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

3Cut the lattice to size

Lay the lattice over the frame, and then measure and mark where to cut it. It's important to cut the lattice on a solid border to maintain its strength and integrity  this will also determine the final position of the bottom brace. Cut the lattice with a jigsaw, then lay it in the frame.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

4Fix the bottom brace

Now position the bottom brace so it's snug and flush with the lattice. Pre-drill using a 5.5mm bit and then drill a clearance hole using a 7.5mm bit before fixing with 100mm bugle screws.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

5Fix the beading to hold the lattice

Once the bottom brace is in place, measure, mark and cut the two lots of beading for the four sides of the frame. The beading is to hold the lattice in place. Fix into place 20mm from the front of the frame using the nail gun. Once the beading is fitted, drop the lattice onto it. Now, fix the next layer of beading to sandwich the lattice into its final position. Then you'll need to repeat steps 2–4 again to create the other side of the arbour.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

6Make the top frame

Lay out the four pieces of timber that make the top frame, making sure they are flush and square. Pre-drill the top timber with a 5.5mm bit and then drill a clearance hole using a 7.5mm bit before screwing the frame together with 100mm bugle screws. Along the longest side, measure and mark the centre of the frame on both sides. Place a piece of timber on this mark and fix it to the frame.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

7Make the crossbeams

Using crossbeams will add stability to the arbour. To make the first one, take a piece of the 985mm pine, measure and mark 30mm down each end, then cut at a 45-degree angle from the mark toward the centre of the beam. Along the edge of the timber you've just cut, measure, mark and square off pencil lines at 60mm then 106mm  this is where we're going to notch out a joint. Set your drop saw to a 50mm cut depth and make a series of cuts between the two pencil lines. Using a hammer and chisel, check-out the waste wood that remains. Make this check-out at the other end of the crossbeam. Then repeat this process to make the four other beams.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

8Cut the fascia

At the end of each of the fascia lengths of timber, cut a 45-degree angle, identical to the ones on the crossbeams.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

9Fix the crossbeams and fascia

Evenly space the five crossbeams along the roof frame, pressing them into place. You may need to tap them with a hammer to make them flush. Once they're in position, screw the fascia to the frame with 100mm batten screws. Attach the crossbeams to the frame with the nail gun. Now fix the top of the arbour to the sides.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

10Paint the arbour

You can now paint, stain or varnish the arbour to suit your garden and taste.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

11Put the arbour in place

Dig holes to match the measurements of your arbour. Make the holes about 300mm square as they need to be wide enough for a star picket and the drill. Use a spirit level to check the arbour is level, vertical and squarely in the hole. Hit the star pickets into place with a sledge hammer alongside the stumps. Then pre-drill through the holes in the picket into the arbour and fix into place with bugles. Backfill the hole with loose soil to secure. You could also use concrete to fill the holes for a more permanent structure.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.

12Job done!

The arbour is securely in place and it looks great. You can place some pot plants around to add to its appeal or even train a creeper or a vine up and over it on both sides.
DIY Step Image - How to build a D.I.Y. timber garden arbour . Blob storage upload.
Health & Safety

Please make sure you use all equipment appropriately and safely when following the advice in these D.I.Y. videos. You need to be familiar with how to use equipment safely and follow the instructions that came with the equipment. If you are unsure, you may feel it is safest to consult an expert, such as the manufacturer or an expert Bunnings Team Member.

Grave health hazards are linked to asbestos, which may be in homes built up to 1990. Health hazards may result from exposure to lead-based paints in older materials and copper chromium arsenic (CCA) treated timber. For information on the dangers of asbestos, lead-based paint and CCA treated timber and tips for dealing with these materials contact your local council's Environmental Health Officer.